“Keep the Gardens going!”—Louise Hallberg
The Gardens' long-term future relies on our community and its generous contributions.
Your contributions allow us to:
Continue educating local schoolchildren
Offer free and low-cost resources, classes, & events
Develop & maintain a rich habitat for pollinators & local wildlife.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Use donation button to make a single contribution or subscribe for a monthly donation.
Venmo: @HallbergButterflyGardens
Checks can be made to Hallberg Butterfly Gardens and mailed to our contact address below.
Suggested Donations for Tours:
Kids $3 - Adults $10 - Seniors/Students $7. Donations are accepted online or on location.
We are a non-profit 501c3 cooperation #91-1767178. Your contributions are tax-deductible as permitted by law.
Lorquin’s Admiral caterpillar (Limenitis lorquini) on willow (salix)